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        └── Tech Timeline (in academic years)
            ├── May 2005 - Apr 2006 (Age 9)
            │   ├── First touched a computer
            │   └── Used MS-Paint on a B/W screen
            ├── May 2006 - Apr 2007 (Age 10)
            │   └── Tried out LOGO (Logic Oriented Graphics Oriented)
            ├── May 2007 - Apr 2008 (Age 11)
            │   ├── Learned about BASIC language
            │   └── Confusing but liked it
            ├── May 2008 - Apr 2009 (Age 12)
            │   ├── Learned about MS-Word
            │   └── Made tables and wrote letters
            ├── May 2009 - Apr 2010 (Age 13)
            │   ├── Some more programming in BASIC
            │   ├── Bought a desktop PC (Windows XP)
            │   ├── Played all card games - Solitaire, FreeCell,
            │   ├── SpiderSolitaire
            │   ├── Minesweeper, Pinball
            │   ├── Explored System32
            │   └── More GW BASIC leaning & code
            ├── May 2010 - Apr 2011 (Age 14)
            │   ├── Introduction to C programming
            │   │   ├── Used Turbo C IDE
            │   │   ├── Very confusing and unituitive
            │   │   └── Later got used to it
            │   ├── MS-PowerPoint
            │   ├── Made basic web pages in pure HTML
            │   │   ├── Copied HTML code from back of a borrowed book
            │   │   └── Marquee
            │   └── Accessed internet for the first time
            │       ├── Made Gmail, Orkut and Facebook accounts
            │       └── Made Hotmail account for Windows Live Messenger
            ├── May 2011 - Apr 2012 (Age 15)
            │   ├── Somebody installed Windows 7 on my PC while I was away
            │   │   └── Played all the games ..Purble Place, chess etc.
            │   ├── Intro to MS-Excel
            │   ├── Intro to MS-Access
            │   ├── Stumbled into VBScript because of MS-Access
            │   │   ├── Went down a rabbit hole on the internet to write some VBScript
            │   │   ├── Ended up downloading Visual Basic 6.0 IDE
            │   │   ├── Wrote some VB code (in IDE) which generated a GUI app.
            │   │   ├── Went down another rabbit hole to write a few more GUI app.
            │   │   ├── Made a "Web Browser" in VB with dedicated facebook button.
            │   │   └── All this GUI was using Windows Forms. Drag and drop controls.
            │   └── Windows 8 Consumer Preview was launched
            │       ├── Took 5 days for me to download ISO
            │       ├── Downloaded Virtual Box and booted it up.
            │       ├── It was very slow (2GB RAM, Intel Core2Duo, 320GB HDD)
            │       ├── Tried Hyper V too.
            │       ├── Finally dual booted my PC with Win8CP
            │       └── First time installing an OS
            ├── May 2012 - Apr 2013 (Age 16)
            │   ├── Learned HTML through school curriculum
            │   │   ├── Very basic things were being taught
            │   │   └── Stepped up and finished HTML, CSS and JS content on W3Schools
            │   │       └── Setting up cookies in JS was the hardest, didn't understand
            │   └── Convinced Parents to buy a copy of Windows 8 Pro.
            │       ├── Thought of writing Windows Apps, downloaded Visual Studio.
            │       ├── Didn't know C# to write Windows Apps.
            │       ├── Googled more, realized, one could do that using HTML, CSS & JS.
            │       ├── My previous knowledge came in use.
            │       └── Wrote a Photo viewer.
            ├── May 2013 - Apr 2014 (Age 17)
            │   ├── Introduced to C++
            │   ├── Used Turbo C++ IDE
            │   ├── Didn't have any issues undestanding
            │   ├── Was excited to learn new concepts though
            │   ├── Put a pause on Windows development to focus on Board exams
            │   ├── wrote a 600 line project with just struct and functions.
            │   └── Didn't learn classes yet.
            ├── May 2014 - July 2015 (Age 18)
            │   ├── More C++ now with classes.
            │   ├── And pointers, data structures (stack / queues / linked lists)
            │   ├── Rewrote the project from last year to use classes.
            │   ├── Got a HackerEarth Ad on Facebook
            │   │   └── Solved my first "easy" problem on HackerEarth
            │   │       ├── Found it too hard to solve
            │   │       └── Didn't solve any other
            │   └── Moving to College
            │       ├── Bought a Windows 8.1 PC
            │       ├── Bought a Lumia with Windows Phone 8
            │       └── Windows 10 launched
            ├── July 2015 - Jun 2016 (Age 19)
            │   ├── First year of college
            │   ├── Within a month of buying a laptop, formatted & reinstalled Windows 10
            │   ├── Learning C again
            │   │   ├── This time using GCC
            │   │   ├── Using vim for the first time
            │   │   │   ├── Who uses this shit?
            │   │   │   └── switched to gedit
            │   │   └── Used Notepad++ on my personal laptop
            │   ├── Dilemma to develop Windows 10 apps or Windows Phone 8
            │   ├── Thought of developing Windows Phone 8 apps.
            │   │   ├── About time that I learn C# for good
            │   │   └── Built a few test apps following tutorials
            │   ├── Windows 10 Mobile Launched
            │   │   ├── Updated my Windows Phone 8 to Windows 10 Mobile
            │   │   ├── Universal Windows Platform
            │   │   └── Same app can now run on PC and mobile.
            │   ├── Wrote a text editor in C# and won a hackathon.
            │   ├── Acquired Windows Developer License before it went paid
            │   └── 2 months Summer Vacations
            │       ├── Wrote multiple test apps to get familiar with ecosystem
            │       └── Not doing CP what my other friends were doing
            ├── July 2016 - Jun 2017 (Age 20)
            │   ├── Second year of college
            │   ├── curriculum now actually had CS related subjects
            │   ├── Data structure (trees & graphs)
            │   ├── Launching my first app on Windows Store (Mathematics Toolkit)
            │   │   └── Another one after a few months (VideosPlay)
            │   │       ├── Taken down after a few month because of missing privacy policy
            │   │       └── Never wrote one.
            │   ├── Started using VSCode and WSL for C (gave up on Notepad++)
            │   ├── Didn't know what STL was
            │   ├── Learned about STL
            │   ├── Did some competitve programming too
            │   │   ├── didn't like the competitve aspect of it
            │   │   └── wierd framing of CP questions
            │   ├── Was still building more apps
            │   ├── Learned more curriculum stuff
            │   │   └── some interesting ones like automata theory, microprocessors, comp org
            │   └── Another summer Vacation
            │       ├── Wrote a myMovies app (like IMDb) with builtin ads
            │       ├── Earned $4 from it which never made the bank.
            │       ├── App stopped working because Tmdb api went paid.
            │       └── Needed internship
            │           ├── Spent 15 days doing interviewbit questions in the night shift
            │           └── slept during days / coded at night
            ├── July 2017 - Jun 2018 (Age 21)
            │   ├── Got internship @ Arista Networks
            │   ├── Learned usual curriculum stuff
            │   │   └── Interesting ones like operating systems, networks, cryptography
            │   ├── For wireless lab project
            │   │   ├── Wrote a bluetooth messenger app with builtin encryption
            │   │   └── Also pushed it to windows app store
            │   ├── For a microprocessor class
            │   │   └── Wrote a 2 pass 8086 assembler in C# in one night
            │   │       └── Got accused of stealing it from github :(
            │   ├── For OOPs class, did some Java
            │   │   └── Practiced C# by writing the same code in C#.
            │   ├── Tried writing Android apps
            │   │   ├── Hated Android studio
            │   │   ├── Can't write Java after writing C#
            │   │   └── Tried Xamarin to achieve best of both worlds
            │   ├── Still writing apps, some desktop, some mobile.
            │   ├── GeeksForGeeks app for Windows 10 Mobile was trash
            │   │   ├── Wrote one for myself but the GFG API wasn't exposed.
            │   │   ├── Sniffed query URLs from existing app by routing
            │   │   │   my phone's traffic through a proxy app on my laptop
            │   │   └── Didn't push it to Windows Store because no permission :(
            │   ├── Wrote a Fake currency detection program for college short project
            │   │   └── Python & openCV
            │   └── Did my intern at Arista
            │       ├── Interesting tech
            │       ├── Met with vim again (Customized it and loved it)
            │       └── Intro to gdb
            └── July 2018 - Jun 2019 (Age 22)
                ├── After working with linux at internship.
                ├── Switched full time to elementaryOS
                ├── Did final year project in Java
                │   ├── Very theoritical, improving an optimising algorithm
                │   └── similar to particle swarm optimization algo.
                ├── Spent whole year exploring linux
                └── Less Windows and no apps.